19 Oct 2014

Week three Ulovane

Week 3 started once again with a 2 hour exam on Monday morning on geology, human history and astronomy and directly afterwards we received our results for the previous week's exam - everyone passed which was great :)

This week we're getting into the interesting stuff covering taxonomy, arthropoda (spiders and scorpions), amphibians and fish all in one week! Lots of practical sessions as well of course, however after seeing a real life baboon spider and learning that the local scorpion (parabuthus granulatus) is the deadliest one in Africa a bit of paranoia set in and Nikki and I promptly found 2 big black spiders in our room! Luckily the gentlemanly South African boys were happy to remove them for us - bribed with chocolate of course!

Our plans for some game drives during the week were postponed due to some stormy weather from Wednesday to Friday, but we got lots of studying done and watched a couple of great movies and documentaries in the evenings. We also got spoiled with some of Mama Tub's comfort food including vetkoek and had a fire going most nights. To make up for the cold weather, we had a full day out in the game reserve on sunny Saturday (pictures below of gemsbok, greater double collared sunbird and southern pale chanting goshawk) and were lucky enough to borrow Doudou's car to drive into Grahamstown for some real civilization and great pub food and some shopping at Pick and Pay on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. I just love the interplay of the red on the sunbird and the red on the flowers. Great photo.
