11 Mar 2015

Final week yoga teacher training and Drakensberg

Our final week consists of completing our final assessment and finishing the last few chapters including Patanjali's 8 limbs and sutras, meditation, pranayama, the Bhagavad Gita, Ayurveda, life coaching and since we finished by Thursday we were able to spend a whole day learning about Tarot cards which was also very interesting :)

On Friday we have our last beach yoga session and Sue and Taryn joins us - we have the best session ever which is wonderful as it is also our last session with Jen.

We also have our last very long walk with the dogs among the sugar cane plantations and on our way back the first guests for the wedding start arriving. All of a sudden the tranquillity changes into an excited energy as a whole bunch of guys try to set up the marquee for the wedding the next day. We have a braai together with the guests (where Jen surprises us with our certificates!) in the evening and celebrate with chocolate cake and a few bottles of very good wine :)

The next morning early Lee drops us at a dubious sleepy hollow backpackers before we are promptly collected by the baz bus and dropped off 2 hours later in the northern Drakensburg at the amazing as usual Amphitheatre backpackers. We go on a wonderful 2 hour exploratory hike in the area and when we return we do our yoga session at sunset on the lawn looking out towards the mountains. We end up in the Jacuzzi and then have dinner (veggie mousaka - yummmm) and even a Guinness for my birthday!

The next morning we wake up at 5:30am and have a gloriously peaceful meditation session at sunrise before indulging in breakfast (homemade granola) by the pool. We get collected at 8am and go off to Montusi mountain lodge for a spectacular 2 hour horse riding session in the mountains - what a wonderful way to end our month yoga teacher training! We then get on the baz bus for the home stretch and Fleur gets dropped off first at the airport and me last, but I don't mind as I have a whole family (including the dog) warmly welcoming me back and when we get home I am even surprised with a raw carrot cake (with those "you can't blow me out" candles) and some lovely thoughtful gifts - I am a very lucky girl indeed :)